Fall sparks all kinds of memories for me. It is a time for reflecting and remembering. The things in this photograph are all associated with memories for me... some are happy, some sad.
Take for instance the silver tray... it was a wedding gift and something I will always cherish. It reminds me of one of the happiest days of my life: my wedding day. I know that some people say theirs was a blur, but I remember everything about that day. I remember how I felt, what people said, the smiles of friends and family, the blessing that God gave me in my husband, seeing my parents and my husband's parents, our grandparents, and everyone witness our happiness and join with us in active participation as we pledged our lives together before God.
Then there are the pearls... the pearls on the left were given to me by my mother. They were given to her by my dad, but they are now divorced (she is happily remarried.) But, for me looking at those brings bittersweet memories. Then there are the single pearl earrings... they were a gift from my husband on our wedding day. And the pearls on the right were a gift from him on our 20th wedding anniversary. What special treasures those are.
Then there are the fragrances... the first time my hubby and I went to EPCOT together, we lingered at the UK pavilion. As we browsed through the shops I was aware of the most wonderful scent. When I finally located it, I had my first encounter with Burberry. I have loved it ever since. The scent in the center is called ....(clears throat)... Giardini di Montecatini VI by Princess Marcella Borghese. I saw the perfume first in Victoria magazine and had to check it out (mostly, I confess, due to its beautiful packaging). But I loved the fragrance, too. And not being one to overuse perfumes, it has been on my vanity for nearly 20 years... and believe it or not still smells wonderful. And then there's Coco Chanel. With Coco, it's all about fall. For some reason, I gravitate toward the scent when the temperatures begin to drop at the end of summer.
Then there is the magazine... Victoria was and is the only magazine I have ever really loved. All the others were just time fillers, but Victoria was special. Maybe it was because I was a newlywed when she first came into my life, and I saw the world through rose-colored glasses. Or maybe it was because she simply was the finest magazine ever published. She had articles about historical figures with pictures so rich you could frame them and hang them. She had travel articles, making a yearly tour to France and to England... again giving us such fantastic visuals that you knew someday you simply HAD to get there. There were even beauty layouts... but never the "here today, gone tomorrow" kinds of fashions. Rather, Victoria showed a classic elegance that would carry us through the ins and outs of yearly fashion trends. And then there were articles on women who had followed what came to be known as their "bliss" and actually made a living from doing what they loved. Now those were enough to inspire the meekest of us to reach for our dreams. And since that time, so many of us have seen even the most remarkable dreams come true. It may have taken years and work and prayers and sweat... but we are seeing our fondest dreams realized. For years Nancy Lindemeyer gave vision and direction to the group effort that was Victoria magazine. If you haven't visited Nancy's blog, I highly recommend it.
Memories are sparked by so many things. I hope that something here has somehow brought to your mind a bright spot from your past... some little glimmer that still lingers from a wonderful moment that may have occurred even years ago. And I would love it if you would share it with me, if you'd like.
Early Autumn Blessings to All!