Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Encouragement Post - Coronavirus Distancing Day 23 (Tuesday)

Encouragement Post – Day #23 (Tuesday) This is a beautiful song of the cross, written a good number of years ago now by Babbie Mason… what a gifted artist! This song is so, so beautiful in its truth and in its art. “Whenever I resist it, I am not at rest. It hovers there inviting me to be a humble guest. I need it daily, this I know. So, with my selfish tears in tow and with my fighting fears I go to the cross.”

A perfect meditation for Holy Week…

To the Cross
by Babbie Mason

A place inside my spirit
Beckons from a hill
Sometimes I choose to visit
Sometimes against my will
I take the long and sloping road
As though I hear some rooster crow
And driven by a prayer I go
To the cross

Whenever I resist it
I am not at rest
It hovers there inviting me
To be a humble guest
I need it daily this I know
So with my selfish tears in tow
And with my fighting fears I go
To the cross

And there I lay them down
For the Savior's love
Because He gave His flawless life
I take it up

And so I will determine
This cross to be my friend
And I will bear it in my heart
Until my pride is dead
Part of me will tell it no
But Christ was there before me so
I'll follow faithfully and go
To the cross
I'll follow faithfully and go
To the cross

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. It was so lovely to visit you today. I so enjoyed listening to Babbie Mason singing that beautiful song.

    A blessed Easter.... Be safe!
